A philosophical calendar The stars are characters. Was it he who was called Samos? According to his headdress that we find on the coins, he is the charioteer who leads the chariot of time. The sun? The stars are characters. Was it he who was called Samos? According to his headdress that we find on the coins, he is the charioteer who leads the chariot of time. The sun? According to the majority of druids, kernunos is the male solar principle, but according to my 2021 results Kernunos is an earth god). In any case his other name is Kronos. Today's Celts start their calendar for Samos, Halloween, the dark period, but you have to take into account that their calendar was put together by a group of English monotheistic Freemasons. There is an error. On the purely Gallic calendar of light, we start the year for the spring equinox, the beginning of the light period, logically. Lugus would be his son who represents the light of day, he was the main god of the Gallic tribes. Donn would be his second son, he represents the darkness of what is not physical, the world of thoughts. For the religious worship of the bull's threshing floor, the time begins with the morning night and ends with nightfall. Two bull heads linked by the entanglement of the stag's horns. This very ancient cult was known to all European peoples, all these cultures are related in ideological terms. These tribes have mingled, ex: the Pictos of England have a perfect cousinnage with the French Pictons, and certainly with others. . A Gallic century is 30 years, multiplied by 12 months, the result is 360 months. Let be a circle. The Druids had a moon-shaped vouge, which was used to prune the Gallic spiritual tree. To make it a balanced culture, they then used the "cup" of time. The remains of the calendar found in Coligny include eight columns multiplied by two, these are the bushels of the two wheels of the time chariot that can be found on stone engravings. One visible, bright, the other is dark, spiritual world. These are the two sides of the same ring. The eight spokes are used to write each of the verses. Saitlo-Lustres-half-years-years-seasons-months-weeks-days The Gallic calendar dedicated to Belenos obviously began at the spring equinox while the Celtic calendar dedicated to Donn at the autumn equinox. It would seem logical to think that the general calendar, that of Kernunos and of the spiritual tree, begins and ends on the night of December 24 to 25, at the beginning of time and for the feast known as of the heavenly tree, hence comes the Christmas tree adorned with stars. This is the one I describe below. (It is quite possible that a 4th calendar existed, starting for the festival of summer, the day when the sun is highest in the sky and belonged to another tribe, neither Celtic nor Gallic but making party of the tribes having the same culture, maybe the Rêmes, .... possible and logical, it would be then that of the druidesses rather, dedicated to the 3 Mattres, Lug where the 4 .... it is the best disposition that j I found in the year, without certainty, anyway it is that of Kernunos which is the most important). This calendar is used to annotate the good and bad periods as well as rising and falling over a period of thirty years. The thousands of verses from which the Druids were known to learn them all are drawn from this teaching. Then the calendar starts all over again and we can predict what will happen thanks to past teachings. I would point out that each druid is responsible for a specific place on which he establishes his calendar, these omens are only really valid for each given place. So, a place, a calendar, a druid or druidess. The general meeting of the druids during the year allows the exchanges and to know which are the good times or harmful on the general plan of all the places imbued with this culture physically. That is to say to realize when during the year the periods described correspond everywhere. Remember this well: "the imperishable when it gives its name is already nothing". The worms must not be inscribed anywhere on the earthly plane otherwise they lose their authenticity. Use the stars to remember this. Where it will be necessary to use the satirical or fantastic style to "cover" the real text. None of the worms should show an entirely earthly normality. Inscribing it on the spiral willow wood that goes up around a trunk seems a good idea to me. In relief. The end result is bardic poetry whose deep philosophical meaning must be preserved. You will then have a text with magical potential nicknamed: "the rainbow". It's up to you to prepare this cauldron wherever water is present. Lorsque you would have produced more than 11000 verses, you would have to restore the text to the form of the Coligny calendar to reinforce its prismic effect, you would then have in hand one of the sacred books. The Apix calendar. Druidism Druidism The ancient philosophical calendar of the Gallic druids is a bit more complicated than the one I present here. Apix's calendar works very well, trying it is adopting it. When you have created a synonymic comparison lexicon where certain words replace those already present, the parabolic text effects become very beautiful and recreate Gallic satire. This is used during prayers for those who are interested. Kernunos. Kernunos. Kernunos is the main deity, I give you here a first view of his temple. Imagine that each day of the week wears one of the colors of the rainbow, mauve, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, him mauve again, the last corresponds to the first, it makes 7 days. On the copper calendar there are perforations as if to register trends. You all know where you have heard of the Eda, the Tao te King, the bible, the Koran, the Torah, the Buddhist book and all the other works that have helped to set up human thought as we know it. . Well know that all these books are encrypted, check the number of stories, paragraphs, verses, characters, repeated words in the text ..etc, take your calculators and cross-check this information in the same way I demonstrate on several pages of this site. you will see the results for yourself. The encryption corresponds to a calendar, I'll let you guess which one, I don't necessarily want to trigger a big international movement for the moment ....... (from the moment you find the number 12 in a pantheon, I know where it comes from and it's provable). The philosophical calendar of the Druids works a bit like a weekly planner, with each day its history and a way of seeing things differently. We have very few of the purely Gallic ancient legends that have come down to us through time, but it does not matter, we are druids and we can recreate them, rethink them, by reflecting on what this tree of life will bring to future generations. It was not me who invented it, it is at least 2000 years old (2500 ... maybe). Each story is punctuated by this calendar, you will find the seven days of the week on the first page, these are the seven churches of the philosopher. Represented by the seven celestial objects of the inner orbital belt of our galaxy. Do not use Roman titles, they are from another time. (The Romans, .... blah.) The dates belong to a system of values that you will find in the Druidothèque, section figures. Ex: 11 = uniqueness-uniqueness By combining dates, days, fortnights, months, seasons, half-seasons and years, you will have the precise plot and trends of each story. The Grail, the cup of eternal life is in your hands today. This calendar is used to build a Gallic satire where more exactly a magic text, each day corresponds to a name or has a Gallicized word. To see in the druidothèque the page "Gallic satire". ............ A few figures first. A sidereal year is 365.6 units. A tropical year makes 365.2 units. The lunar calendar which gives their names to the months begins at night and ends at night. A lunar year is therefore 366 nights, one of which is pivotal and counts double (Coligny). A Saitlo is: 360 months (not 168). A month is 30 or 31 days, it is divided into two light and dark parts of 15 or 16 days each. That's two weeks of 7 nights, 7 masculine nights and 7 feminine nights, inverted from one day to the next. Average of 30.5 nights / month. At the center of each month (and you too) are moments dedicated to Lug (animality), Kernunos (human divinity) and Donn (philosophical spirituality). 4 lunar phases which guard the temple of life, all dedicated to .... Leïa the full moon, Etunia the day moon, Nemetunia the night moon and Morgana, the black moon. (Which has its place with us) A chandelier is five years and a Saitlo is 30 years (one cycle). A zodiac Saitlo is 10,968 units. A solar Saitlo has 10,956 units. A lunar Saitlo is 10,985 units. It is necessary to add a month every 30 years to rebalance the Moon-Sun cycles. It is the month of Ciallos, dedicated to Kernunos. After 30 days, this month is deleted and the calendar is set. There are two great half-seasons. Giamoratlio Territory of Lug the first celestial dragon in the heavens who is none other than Adamos the white stag on earth. Samoratlio Territory of Donn, the second heavenly dragon in the heavens who is none other than the noble bullu, Donotarvos on earth. These are the two Ovates. ........................ There are 12 starting lunar months and the Gallic year begins the day after the spring equinox. Giamonos (the young one) Simivis (the sower of life) Equos (the Agreement) Elembivis (the protected place of life) Edrinis (the warm one) Cantlos (innocence preserved) Samonos (moral discernment) Licoran (learning to live) Riuros (the right) Anagantios (the frozen calm) Ogronios (childbirth) Cutios (rebirth). Each of these lunar months is divided into a bright period and a dark period, that makes 24 periods. They are represented by the 24 bardic arts. I only changed the name of Licoran, formerly Damonios, month of the foster cow, but that the Catholics called it: Demonios… I leave them these demons there. It is good to note that in the ancient world, "Damon" meant "angel" and Damona the nurse of angels. Believers have been lied to a lot for 2000 years. Sacred arts. Sacred arts. Seasons. I keep the names of the old seasons and I bring some elements. The old sun is associated with a plant, the velar. It was to be the same for the other seasons, Giamos had to associate with the dandelion, because of the round shape it takes before flying away. 1 (Cintus): Giamos. The rising sun. Begins just after the spring equinox. A season of heavy work. 2 (allos): Uisonna. The flying sun. A season of maintenance. 3 (titles): Samos. The old sun. A harvest season. 4 (Petuaris): Cengiamos. The sun that rests. In addition to the well-known festivals during the solstices and equinoxes, we must remember that of Ganor, around the 15th of Equos. It is the feast of Gaïana, the young mother earth which gives the first shoots. That of Ciallos, every thirty years. The marriages obviously took place in the months of Edrinis and Cantlos (between the lion and the virgin), this corresponds to the births for the month of Ogronios, Aquarius. Bélénos 01/01 / L / 01 The Sower Of Light 02/01 / L / 01 Gemini 03/01 / L / 01 Teutates 04/01 / L / 01 Ogmios 05/01 / L / 01 Belissama 06/01 / L / 01 Tanaris 07/01 / S / 01 Epona 08/01 / S / 01 Sagittarius 09/01 / L / 01 Morgana 10/01 / S / 01 Sirona 11/01 / S / 01 Esus 12/01 / S / 01 * Updated female part of worship in Book of Lights. * Druidism ancient legends. The spirit of the times between creativity and memory. The first teaching of ancient philosophy proposes the act as defined: "The cause provokes a choice, it is there, at this moment, that the path diverges and that one can stop or advance." the percentage of realism of the druidegaulois.net site is more than 80%. It is a reconstructionist work. The Gallic flag. Emblem of all Gallic tribes. Found on a very large number of Gallic coins, the flag's glyphs signify "the link between the past and the future Gallic". A symbol which also designates "the truth" in existence and a place of ancient worship: "where the moon is highest in the sky". The two forks on either side represent tearing clouds. 100%. The Gallic flag. Emblem of all Gallic tribes. Found on a very large number of Gallic coins, the flag's glyphs signify "the link between the past and the future Gallic". A symbol which also designates "the truth" in existence and a place of ancient worship: "where the moon is highest in the sky". The two forks on either side represent tearing clouds. 100%. Druid Gallic Druidism. Especially, if you believe in the forces of evil, that you pray on bloody heights and that you think about doing sacrificial acts ...... go and look elsewhere. Monotheisms are completely prohibited, Druidism is not made for obscurantists. . APIX. All the information contained in this site is there to serve as a basis for studies for those who wish to come together for a very Gallic Druidism. Saving the pages of this site will protect them from obscurantism and oblivion. What I'm doing here has everything to do with art, history and a strong eco-futuristic commitment. I am neither a guru nor a messiah and do not belong to any sect. I retrace and I reinvent the natural spirituality of the ancient druids in order to give it back to a world which is in great need of it today. It's an artist's work that tells a story, our history. Gallic druidism belongs only to Gallic druidizers from all walks of life and only to those there. If you wish to use this information for your own circles I ask you this: No policy, your speeches must refer to Gallic Druidism and of course you do not have the right to exchange my work for money.The Gallic spiritual center must have been decorated with this hanging. It must have had a large number of colors. It is perhaps this symbol which indicates the place where the druids crowned the kings. It is life moving through its phases that is represented in this way. Note that there is a character, a main phase, as a link between the other three. They are spirits from the religions of animism. Nb: it is said that the druid Diviciacos sacrificed two white bulls linked by the horns. This is the exact symbolism of the Torc buried in the outer ditch of Stonehenge. It is several tens of meters.
Je cherche un éditeur livre pour le contenu du site.
Je vous demanderai de faire très attention a un site nommé "morpheus". Dès le moment où il affirme qu'une druidesse aurait appris à Pythagore la fin des gaulois faisant référence aux hyperboreens, c'est déjà 😱, une manipulation mensongère. Il cherche de l'argent partout.
Je vous rappelle que le druidisme c'est gratuit, quand il faut payer obligatoirement pour du contenu (débile) c'est sectaire.
Deux nouveaux sites vont bientôt entrer dans la lumière et druidegaulois.net va peut-être disparaître, le reste des informations importantes sur le druidisme antique seront dispensées physiquement. Le combat va prendre une autre tournure.
Il s'agira d'un site pour réécrire l'idéologie ancienne et les textes institutifs de la nation gauloise modernisée, puis un autre, de type militaire nommé "Soldurio".
Pas de politique d'extrême droite où d'extrêmisme tout court,
Pas de misogynie et de traditions monothéistes,
Pas de culs bénis où de Grenouilles de bénitier 🐸,
Absolument aucuns liens avec le judaïsme,
Pas de franc-maçonnerie (GORSEDD, cicdecc, inconnus chez nous),
Pas d'aryens où d'odinisme runique,
C'est un site uniquement gaulois, les autres sont des menteurs et des gourous mangeurs de foin à la petite semaine.
Le site est gratuit.
De nombreuses fouilles archéologiques prouvent les installations successives sur certains sites, depuis le néolithique moyen jusqu'à l'âge de fer. Confirmant en fait qu'il existe un lien civilisationnel complet entre les hommes ayant existé il y a 5000 ans et nos ancêtres gaulois.
Cela ne s'invente pas, le néolithique moyen correspond à l'installation des mégalithes et dolmens.
Nb: on raconte que le druide Diviciacos sacrifia deux taureaux blancs liés par les cornes. C'est le symbolisme exacte de la Torc enterrée dans le fossé extérieur de Stonehenge. Elle fait plusieurs dizaines de mètres et est composée de deux têtes d'aurochs reliés par une bande composée de bois de cerfs entremêlés, comme pour symboliser une corde.
Surtout, si vous croyez aux forces du mal, que vous priez sur des autels sanglants et que vous pensez à faire des actes sacrificiels......allez voir ailleurs.
Le druidisme n'est pas fait pour les obscurantistes religieux.
Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site sont là pour servir de bases d'études à ceux qui désirent se retrouver pour un druidisme bien gaulois.
Enregistrez les pages de ce site permettra de les protéger contre l'obscurantisme et l'oubli.
Ce que je fait ici a tout a voir avec l'art, l'histoire et un fort engagement écolo-futuriste.
Je ne suis ni un gourou, ni un messie et n'appartient à aucune secte.
Je retrace et je réinvente la spiritualité naturelle des druides antiques afin de la redonner à un monde qui en a fort besoin aujourd'hui. C'est un travail d'artiste qui raconte une histoire,
notre histoire.
C'est un mélange de fiction et de réalité, de la reconstruction, une oeuvre devant évoluer pour s'affirmer au mieux de ses possibilités.
Le druidisme gaulois n'appartient qu'aux druidisants gaulois de tous horizons et seulement à ceux là.
Si vous désirez utiliser ces informations pour vos propres cercles je vous demande ceci: Pas de politique, vos discours doivent se référer au druidisme gaulois et bien sùr vous n'avez pas le droit d'échanger mon travail contre de l'argent.