modern druidism
There are many young people on this site of Gallic Druidism, the young visitor fills a lack of spirituality left, abandoned by Christians who in any case no longer represent the future of a thought that has passed much too quickly to modernity for them. But spirituality originating in Europe has a future, a great future. Druidism is there for them as it has always been there in our territories for our ancestors, this since ancient times. Let it be hidden where demonstrated. We learn that study and questioning, the acquisition of maturity, intelligence and strength of character are long-lasting paths that will help them live and flourish every day. At first peaceful and understanding, the elements that constitute our path can be terribly effective in defending ourselves. The Gauls practiced competitive sports such as archery, very popular, or hand-to-hand wrestling. We have a taste for challenges, it is not only archery, folklore, the study of the Gallic language, prayer for believers and philosophy for atheists are part of what we do. I think all these young boys and girls should learn these games and others, it's already in their genes, in their instinct. Our ancestors were very great warriors who did not hesitate to measure themselves against the strongest and the most numerous. There are different ways to win. It is a very big difference of character with the other populations which they rather need to lie or to fight 10 against 1 in order to grant themselves an ersatz pride, or pride in this case. The real leaders are almost absent, there are only installed profiteers. Druidism is a peaceful way of understanding and we don't easily make fun of someone back home. Unless he really made a mistake. Yet as bizarre as it may sound, our outlook scares more people than you think. We respect others, even different people, that's not the problem, but we never bow down, and it's part of our reputation. We would like that we could not do it, at the limit we can be silent, we will not back down. "There are memories that cannot be erased, there are shocks that span the centuries, vivid wounds that are remembered by the most bellicose by imposing peace on them." These young people are subjected to physical and moral attacks every day, at school or in the street, they are looking for how to survive in a destabilized world and they are right. We must support them. Through our stories or our more physical, more present demonstrations. I have a lot of druids who visit this site and I would like to tell them that they underestimate the number of young people who are in demand. They do not have the right to deny them the experience and the financial question is secondary. I have been telling you for years that you will be more and more numerous, everywhere on the planet, it is a reality. Druidism is the future because it responds to more than one need. (And that for my part I have a somewhat special recipe). All these young people are asking you, gentlemen druids and ladies druidesses. You have to teach them to live together or individually, you have to teach them to defend themselves and to stand up in adversity. Their stability, their spirituality, it's your job, it was your job thousands of years ago. And if the future is still open to you in our time, it is no coincidence. Help them, they are yours and French society is gradually abandoning them. Organize competitions, exchange meals, show them that they belong to the great family of European civilization. You should all break free from the conditions of your groups, our thinking is that of freedom and mutual respect. If someone says to you, me it's me, "I'm the only druid thing" or "you must obey me", it is not someone from our region. From an extraterrestrial microcosm ......... maybe. Not someone who emerges from true Druidism. There are therefore thousands of young Europeans (I'm surprised by the number of Germans but I shouldn't), who wish to enroll in this path of Druidic studies. I worked a lot and I didn't do it for nothing, now it's your turn. That's a lot of people. Osmotic Laws. Osmotic laws. The rules and understanding of modernity are made and put in place according to our uses. Help, adapt your speech to allow a good physical and moral support of our friends, even a normal and acceptable routine instinctive feeling becomes more than a way of functioning, a medium of thought. A student, a grandmother, a farmer or a civil servant must find us as a "home" well rod
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é. There is nothing more familiar than a tree, it is truly the image and the archetype of a protective world, airy and airy, solid and organized. Images, smells, sensations in general find all their natural arrangements in such a physical microcosm, which easily transforms into an intellectual, spiritual macrocosm. It is the projection of the being as a plenary tree that provides this plenitude so sought after as it appears embodied in ancient Druidism in the form of the branched druid. A human tree that connects and communicates with others through its deep roots and tall branches. Its deep roots and its new words. Modern Druidism has already existed for a very long time, it turned out to be too modern before its time, moreover, which caused it the misdeeds we know. During the obscurantist periods of the past, it is the lack of education which did not lead to a great stabilized spirituality, it is this lack of attention that makes it fight by the rough officiants of sacred stupidity and obedience. blinded. The challenge of always will be to have to evolve in a permanent way in numerous fraternities. There is only one way to interact with that: "you have to keep a good mind" in all circumstances, where to try. This concept will never change in the Sepani community. The word which designates students of today: "druidisants", does it sound better to your ears than that of "Sépani", that depends on the clearings and the gleams of the moment without doubts. It all depends on the contexts and each of them takes the form of another world to explore. An open mode of understanding must in all cases be implemented, this is what allows an evolution of the soul and the spirit, to create, to make the new human evolve, it is our leitmotif in general. The forbidden writing, the evolving speech, were part of the Druidic rules in the past, there are traces of them and I would keep for the rest this formidable concept of the evolutionary expression. Nothing is written firmly, but the character that inhabits us means that our thought must be able to move in order to truly live. It is already the basic beginning of all intellectualism. Always and again this rule is the first, which wants to be natural besides. The second is the exchange as well as the understanding, the putting and the putting back in place of the symbols which make us recognized on the international scene now. It seems simplistic, a simplicity that is not right. To joke I ask you this question: how much cheese is there in France? The answer is: there are as many as there are inhabitants. Because our feelings and sensations are so many different ways of understanding what lives in us, adhering to it and identifying with it. To bicker and understand each other. It is the notion of personal universalism that enters into the learning of respect for oneself and others. To integrate. So our need to make it all dance in the maelstrom of the colors of our gonfanons and flags. This is the third rule, the chords must complement each other to exist, it is the music of life, the sacred wind. Let us take another example: must the words be in opposition, integration and disintegration, who are they really? Aren't there situations where we run out of new and forgotten letters and expressions because no one dared and wanted to change things. Getting out of your acquired comfort zone seems like the solution. Bringing together the first two, this third is important because it requires creativity, with us the arts and thought united are sacred activities, it participates in the divine. I would call these three notions of good life, the three rules of Sepani (where the flourishes for jokers) in order to give you your marks. These are three milestones that embody a true humanity, prolix and necessary, without firm ideologies. When you deeply understand the usefulness of the rules, you will begin to see the end of the tunnel, a little of the lights of eternity. But eternity is there still the right term. Certainly not. We called Anauos this druidity, passes in modern texts under the name of the ring, the alliance of the physical earth and the sky of thought. What we are and always have been, what we will be and what we will become again. The ring of the spiral which returns on itself without ever closing on what it once was. It is the ancient symbolism of the spiral, the flower and the shell. The fourth rule belongs fully to the druids. Our mind remains young but we must accept the aging of our cells, making us less and less physical body, more and more etheric, less and less flesh, more and more spirit. Without resigning ourselves to an end that does not exist we have proof of it.
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To understand that what makes us will then subsist, without conceding anything to the stupid belief, to realize that what we become is something that will resurrect anyway. A few days, a few months or a few thousand years later anyway, in a new body that looks like us, we reappear. It is more than a conviction. The fifth rule relates our minds, our way of being, our couples, our families then our societal groups and finally in all and around, the accumulation of our learned exchanges, our cultural identity, the material of our inclinations which gives us the capacity to perfect ourselves spiritually, to certainly advance in evolution. The final goal, if there is one, is moving, being that of further development. This is what our naturalist commitment is for. To exist. In the terrestrial domain it is our panacea strictly speaking. -if we are something, it is thanks to what surrounds us- It will always be so, all earthlings and time dependent from this point of view. I will stay on an ancient druidic basis by pointing out to you that our Gallic way rests on an ancient base, almost antediluvian remaining faithful to itself. Well defined in its actions, its dialectics and its teachings, it is not paved with bad intentions. The sixth rule is that of the project, beyond all-round improvement where before that rather, we need an organization that is currently planned and solidified. To identify the axes, the necessities, the achievements. To be represented by conscientious people who stand up. We have no shortage of them who know how to control their natural inclinations without allowing themselves to be diminished by false and obscuring stipulations. To that, humor and lightness bring luck, stronger in the life which extends than the first bestiality. I will repeat myself if necessary, the right spirit remains in order. Do you need strength to navigate the rousing currents of spirituality? Only skill and foresight, understanding the warning signs. The mind gives itself and its work is paid for in many different ways, it is a principle guaranteeing the eternity of what we do. What is the exact price to pay, it is only up to your goodwill. Welcome home, Druidism will always defend the freedom to be yourself, and will ceaselessly attack the deceptive passions of abuse. The last two rules belong to the Arch Druids and to the secrets which must in no case be revealed on the deep fabric of this world and its founding elements. Bards formed a confraternity a long time ago, artistic circles have indeed this propensity to feed together. The vates also belong to a double brotherhood of light and shadow, it will always be them who will do the various ritual and ceremonial services, as they always did long before the druids appeared. They are very dedicated professionals in what they do. Nb: The ovates belong to neo-Druidism. Soldurio dragon and equites were from a related spirituality but a little apart. I would look at the subject more seriously in the same way. To build oneself. Druidism reflects a whole thought, a way of life and intellectual exchange closer to understanding than to primary aggressiveness. We feed on novelty from a futuristic perspective. In short, we defend modernity as long as it remains in osmosis with the primary teachings that mother nature offers us. Currently something is happening, a big movement is forming with the need for modern faith and those for the preservation of many aspects of daily life. We set out on the path of an exponential creation of our ideas, mastered, of a strengthening of Druidism as a strong spirituality and accepted everywhere. Everywhere except by the other religious religious institutions which tug at them, only with the preservation of what they are. Caught in the throes of racialized messianism. All these pretty people combine badly with the passage of the course of modernity. We are different and we are witnessing an emergence of true Druidism. In its particularities and its complementary differences, the tree grows. Our roots are regaining their importance, our expansion goes far beyond the European framework. For the rest of the events we will be obliged to consolidate, to register within a more beautiful vision of external secular thought. Open channels of exchange, propose solutions to human evolution, to its understanding of events. It will undoubtedly not always be a piece of pleasure but we will never go to land Genoa in front of egocentric obscurantists. We will have to reconcile faith and reason.
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Gaining influence shares cannot be explained by chance, there are methods and axes that are used for this. 1- Communication and the media. 2- Mutual assistance and mutual respect demonstrated. 3-Meetings and ceremonies shared in moments of communion. All this and also the reflection on what makes our differences, our self-defense in the face of a violent world as it once was. 4- You must never concede anything to primary aggressiveness, for example controlling yourself, it is a form of resistance. It happens through learning. The destructive often forge their fate and decamp before the resistance of a solid soul. Those who show distrust are also those who seek a way of understanding. It's up to us to offer it to them. The performing arts will usually provide it. Then of course there will be bestial, physical, nasty reactions. In my opinion it is useless to discuss with these last singers of barbarism, it is useless or to waste time. They will disappear in their endless battles. As for the amateurs of cheap blows and tendentious betrayals, they will come up against something new in a modern and educated world. The spite leaves no illusion to anyone. In philosophy nothing is impossible, exceptions exist to confirm the rules. The uniformity of a thought is made to generate various currents. Nothing can stop this kind of movement, it is part of the laws of vitality. This is the great strength of protean movements, they adapt constantly, constantly perfecting themselves. Perfection will never exist, it is our way to happiness to seek it. The New Book. It is mythology which inspires a commonly accepted thought, it is through mythology that the lessons already learned will have to be changed. As far as old myths are concerned, we will succeed in making them reappear without any doubts, but we do not make new with old. A generally accepted book will have to see the light, rehashing the wonderful stories of our forefathers. However, we will have to write another one, the one dedicated to future generations. Keeping the symbols, the names and the first language is important. These new myths must be inspired by modern situations, those which make everyday life, constructive. Family, justice, duty ... etc. There is no lack of subjects that deserve reflection. Of course this kind of book, a little moralistic, not too wise, providing solutions at all times, cannot be written by just anyone. It is druids who will have to do it, big big job because we know that they are generally quite straight in their boots. And we will have to agree, this time an artist alone will not be able to stick to it so really this new sacred book must include a part of each. For my part, I am going to contribute to the reappearance of the old collection of tales, oral in Antiquity. It's a few more years of work. In your place I will begin to think about the people who will contribute to the next one. There is no shortage of talents here, that's already been won. Luminous ones, there are. As for built-in uses, normally you know enough. Everyone must be able to propose their text. You want a title, I'll give it to you, you'll have to rewrite "Alixion", it's our future sacred city and the old one also from what I know. Build relationships. Getting together is going to be a real opportunity for druids from all walks of life. Obviously, dissensions will reappear, however, the strong majority of the currents of reconstructionism will prevail since ultimately they are the most open. Sects, egocentric gurus and political manipulations will have to take it upon themselves not to interfere in the process underway or they will be sidelined in the last ways. Openness, sharing and mutual respect are on the program. To bring these people together there are not 36 solutions, first in my opinion, they will have to wear signs of recognition well known in our community. Then, they will have to frequent the same places, stone circles, dolmens and also places where you can warm up around a coffee why not. I remember having frequented twenty years ago, the small bar of Tréhorenteuc for example, I had been able to exchange with a lot of people. The colorful place was painted with very druidpart, tes murals. It was a funny place. There are others in all the territories that look like this. The first important groups will come from habits and centers of exchange. And not necessarily involved in the rest. Of all these regroupings there will be some more difficult to set up: the meetings of the various clearings. Ouch, there it stings! Especially since the extreme geographical distance of all
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these groups, this world will be really very difficult to bring together. It is necessary to start somewhere, exchanges by interposed media will multiply first. And then, I don't like to say that, we will have to clean up, that is to say that if we can respect other spiritualities, we cannot accept being invaded by them. I wish you good thinking. Do not forget that a great world druid will have to be elected one day when the other, without a single decision-making power with regard to planetary druidism, he will be your representative in the high media spheres, I wish him the advance a lot of courage. I also think that each region has its Arch Druid, at the level of the countries that does not seem possible to me for questions of local administration. By the way, it should be pretty cool. And above all, never forget to be natural and warm towards others. And above all, never forget to be natural and warm towards others. Nb: Never forget that with us ....... we know how to party! Other religious currents having their ancient bases among us are trying to join us, Christians in particular are looking for a way out. I also have Christian friends and we get along perfectly, but the question of a religious rapprochement never arises. We are normal people born of the same people, personal partisan or extreme convictions do not come into play. I do not see how to repair the errors of the Catholic churches, the dissensions and the past affairs are too serious to be forgotten. It is eventually in philosophical thought that we could get along with normal people and only there. With the fundamentalists there will never be any discussion, they are moreover cabalists, unacceptable. They are apprentice assassins, stupid obscurantists capable of anything to install their deadly power. You just have to see what's going on in Jerusalem, treating people like meat is shameful. So and without another way in the future, there will be little agreement with Christendom except on the level of philosophical reflection. No one will pet an animal that has already been attacked. Nb: it is true that we sometimes discuss light therapy, medicinal plants or gardening, small services between neighbors. Christians or not. Ordination Of The Druids. Ordination of the Druids What was to happen has happened, more and more of you are there. There remains a stumbling block to the manifestation of the path you have chosen for yourself. Fortunately, it is that of the immense respect that ancient Druidism produced on your personal feelings. You have learned a lot, from everywhere, wherever you are on this beloved planet. And you will continue to learn and study our subjects along your way, however long it takes. The figures are ... very well oriented, this is what we call a return of force, 2000 years have passed and this lack of fundamentals, of publicly assumed spirituality, of sharing around a philosophical and religious rite, fills its gap with increased velocity every day. It happens because it had to happen, fog and darkness could not reign indefinitely. There remains one question to be settled, that of the ordination of the druids. I do not personally intend to master the affairs of Gallic Druidism. Because I was not made for that, I will continue to follow the path in terms of information, bring to light the magnificent spirituality which although ancient remains an example for everyone. I will drink you again with my spelling mistakes and my two-penny jokes (where below?) So that you understand that you will have to rely only on yourself in the future. I had promised to put the greatest power that had ever been on this planet to the service of little birds and real people. Nothing can stop you anymore, The rest is up to you. If I tell you that the numbers are impressive, it is the truth. There are around 100,000 Gallic Druidis around the world. There will be many more soon. People have tried to contact me, coming from all walks of life, phone calls from England, winks from America, e-mails from France, supporters of the Germans ... etc. We are present in all countries (hello ruscoffs!). And so there are far too many of you for me to deal with specific cases. This march which will make you real druids will have to be crossed and at the same time free from your personal barriers, coming from your initial education. No one will do it for you. He doesn't need courage to do well. Your countries need you, if major catastrophes happened, none of your countries no longer have the representative margin that would save them. I know f
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ort although Druidis all have the heart of a patriot, and I also know that they are the most stubborn and the least inclined to kneel in the face of adversity. Your respective countries need you. There is no one on this planet who knows more about Gallic Druidism than us. No druid from anywhere, regardless of his level, can teach you a lesson, especially since you have all searched a lot and thought a lot in recent years. If I do not want to designate you, on the other hand your land, your culture, your people can designate you as spiritual guides, no one else. These places have been abandoned by the cowards ... take them back! Show what you can do. Nb: do not play politics otherwise you will be put in drawers with the others, do not be humble otherwise you will never be respected. Use Modern Tools. Most of you are wondering how to start a group movement. Modern tools are easily found on the net, creating discussion forums for example, it's free. You can title these platforms with local uses, place names, the reference to Druidism, etc. Ex: discussion forum on druidism, district of Berlin. Where Nantes, Where Los Angeles Since you are everywhere. And then propose more targeted subjects such as medicinal plants, reflections on the methodology during a ceremony .... Etc. You can discuss everything in a thought system. Claim the tradition of Apix, those who build the future. You have time, don't be in a hurry. Know how to organize. The goal is to share things together in the same vision of the future. We're going to need a little planning. Maintaining a light atmosphere thanks to interesting exchanges, in terms of Druidism, it is a question of consolidating common achievements. The arts and the memory of the arts can also be called constructivism and sustainability. This work must be carried out with a rested head in all decorum in relation to the other members of the group. I advise you not to exceed 5 people per working group, exceeding this figure quickly becomes a struggle of egos. I will probably organize myself as follows: -someone who does the research work. - another that of creativity, the arts of course, but it is also a role of the theologian. -Then one of you must do the work of sustainability, it is especially the bookstore, it is necessary to keep the objects and the texts in a secure place. -a fourth must tackle an organizational task known as common activities, that is to say the organization of ceremonies, information meetings, meals and festivities in common. That too is a big job. -the fifth, it is ultimately the one who oversees all the other works and which, an important role, smooths out the problems and makes the connections. He projects, offers the whole group what has been spoken to him before. It is not a question of a leader in the first sense of the term, we can speak of a framework but with us it is badly accepted. I prefer to speak of a generalist. He cannot have all the talents specific to the other four, but he can organize the work. It is he who sets up the group to the best of individual talents. The functioning must be fluid like the sap, it is not really about management but about self-management. Without closing in on itself, the group must nevertheless have a certain basis to exist. Good roots, and who says good roots means good ground, that is to say that we need a welcoming place for all. Behind all this, the groups contact and support each other. There is a shared logistics or at least an understanding, a "fraternity" common to all the groups which makes it possible to smooth out differences in physical means. We do what we want but above all we do what we can. It is with a little pugnacity precisely, that we achieve everything. The first principle is: we do not argue with each other. (Or we set up a special group for claimants, I think it existed). Then, you have to know where to find your way, all groups must have a specific surname or a toponym in title. Most of the time this name is first taken from ancient Gallic tribes. So there will always be those who do not want to take a too serious approach, that is good because with us precisely, it is most of the time the pleasure and the fun that offers the common interest. It doesn't mean you have to do anything. All this is in the domain of spirituality and self-management, let's not forget. It is when a certain number of groups exist that we can project ourselves more. I will say that ten basic groups can form what is called a clearing, a druidic group. And a clear
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ort although Druidis all have the heart of a patriot, and I also know that they are the most stubborn and the least inclined to kneel in the face of adversity. Your respective countries need you. There is no one on this planet who knows more about Gallic Druidism than us. No druid from anywhere, regardless of his level, can teach you a lesson, especially since you have all searched a lot and thought a lot in recent years. If I do not want to designate you, on the other hand your land, your culture, your people can designate you as spiritual guides, no one else. These places have been abandoned by the cowards ... take them back! Show what you can do. Nb: do not play politics otherwise you will be put in drawers with the others, do not be humble otherwise you will never be respected. Use Modern Tools. Most of you are wondering how to start a group movement. Modern tools are easily found on the net, creating discussion forums for example, it's free. You can title these platforms with local uses, place names, the reference to Druidism, etc. Ex: discussion forum on druidism, district of Berlin. Where Nantes, Where Los Angeles Since you are everywhere. And then propose more targeted subjects such as medicinal plants, reflections on the methodology during a ceremony .... Etc. You can discuss everything in a thought system. Claim the tradition of Apix, those who build the future. You have time, don't be in a hurry. Know how to organize. The goal is to share things together in the same vision of the future. We're going to need a little planning. Maintaining a light atmosphere thanks to interesting exchanges, in terms of Druidism, it is a question of consolidating common achievements. The arts and the memory of the arts can also be called constructivism and sustainability. This work must be carried out with a rested head in all decorum in relation to the other members of the group. I advise you not to exceed 5 people per working group, exceeding this figure quickly becomes a struggle of egos. I will probably organize myself as follows: -someone who does the research work. - another that of creativity, the arts of course, but it is also a role of the theologian. -Then one of you must do the work of sustainability, it is especially the bookstore, it is necessary to keep the objects and the texts in a secure place. -a fourth must tackle an organizational task known as common activities, that is to say the organization of ceremonies, information meetings, meals and festivities in common. That too is a big job. -the fifth, it is ultimately the one who oversees all the other works and which, an important role, smooths out the problems and makes the connections. He projects, offers the whole group what has been spoken to him before. It is not a question of a leader in the first sense of the term, we can speak of a framework but with us it is badly accepted. I prefer to speak of a generalist. He cannot have all the talents specific to the other four, but he can organize the work. It is he who sets up the group to the best of individual talents. The functioning must be fluid like the sap, it is not really about management but about self-management. Without closing in on itself, the group must nevertheless have a certain basis to exist. Good roots, and who says good roots means good ground, that is to say that we need a welcoming place for all. Behind all this, the groups contact and support each other. There is a shared logistics or at least an understanding, a "fraternity" common to all the groups which makes it possible to smooth out differences in physical means. We do what we want but above all we do what we can. It is with a little pugnacity precisely, that we achieve everything. The first principle is: we do not argue with each other. (Or we set up a special group for claimants, I think it existed). Then, you have to know where to find your way, all groups must have a specific surname or a toponym in title. Most of the time this name is first taken from ancient Gallic tribes. So there will always be those who do not want to take a too serious approach, that is good because with us precisely, it is most of the time the pleasure and the fun that offers the common interest. It doesn't mean you have to do anything. All this is in the domain of spirituality and self-management, let's not forget. It is when a certain number of groups exist that we can project ourselves more. I will say that ten basic groups can form what is called a clearing, a druidic group. And a clear
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sacred st, it must be a very open movement, otherwise it gets stuck and it resigns everywhere. It is at this level that we discuss, propose and vote for the implementation for all of the best productions and the most promising individual achievements. And all of this must remain free, that is to say that no one should be obliged to anything that would offend him or could hurt his personal sensitivity. We're here to learn together, okay. These connections must be done in the most natural way possible, otherwise ... it's the "Daoua", the mess. Outside the mess, nobody wants it, except during festive moments a little pushed. Glades can be made up of less than 50 people. But we must keep the organizational structure of the movement, because from the "clearing" level, it is a movement. If, for example, the yellow vests had benefited from this kind of mechanism, they would have won all the victories. As for movements in general, there is not necessarily a need for a leader, but there is an obligation to work together and to have someone who guarantees fairness for all members. This was the role of the famous Gallic gutuater, like that of an organ of internal justice within the group. Yupiisss ... but who is the Druid? It's quite simple to discern in a group the one who represents its homogeneity, I'm not talking about multi-partism (here it is a con). Whoever becomes a Druid or Druidess is of course one of those who get involved the most, who know the most and who has the gift of being noticed most of the time (these people do not even express themselves). to "shine" in society). Above all, she is a welcoming person who is appreciated by all. I think that again, the annual vote should decide the issue. Ouaiiiisss ... but who is the vates ??? In neo-Druidism there are ovates (hieropes), in pure Druidism there are vates. The vates is the one who brings people together and officiates at meetings. Because the Druid has above all an advisory role within the group and a representative for external contacts. Yupiisss ... but then who are the bards ??? (Get on my nerves, it's going to blow up later). Bards are creatives, artists who maintain a certain atmosphere within the group. The lyre has been an instrument that has calmed souls for millennia. Again, a diverse artist can be seen quickly in a group, you will have no trouble finding them. But before all that, there is the druidist in particular, that is to say someone who evolves freely in the group as much as in his personal research. They are often the most numerous, curious about what they can learn from Druidism, they do not always participate in the activities. Respectable at the same rank as the others, they have the right to do what they want, that is the basis. Everyone is free, sectarianism is evil. You will tell me: "yes, but the main bias of sectarianism is precisely to want to control people's thinking", And yes... There will always be sectarian movements which will refuse you any basic organization, because for them, to establish and maintain a certain power, that of blindness, ..... you must not think for yourself. This is where you will spot the bad clearings and you will really enter the movement of enlightened druidism. I can tell you that if any imitation gurus read this page, they are going to go back in time. The basic organization makes it possible to eliminate any attempt at sectarian recovery ... What I do myself, I do it freely, whether people give me donations or not. In return, you cannot ask me for anything. This is called freedom of worship. If you first organize small structures, free therefore, it is to facilitate your personal advances and that is all. The religious do not tolerate this. They have acute controlitis. Religion mixed with philosophy is something else. The rest can only be built naturally, without pressure from one side or another. No branches should be imposed on others, the balance is built by itself. So remember this well: when a Druid or another says to you: ouaissss ... if there is structure, it is a lack of freedom. It is because he considers himself to be the only possible and hearable voice, these are small beings, who only build around themselves. Beware, they are already ... gurus-gurus! A creature more than a human being. Keep in mind that the tree builds itself, balanced, playing on the light trends that water it. No one in particular can control something so wise and so great as the natural tendency for balances and simple alliances as defined in the
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cosmogony of the Gallic calendar. We can just translate them with our language. And that is the real job of a great druid. It interprets the natural tendencies of the world. Live From His Druidity. Live off his druidism. As everyone knows money does not grow in trees, if you decide to live your Druidism fully, you will then find that a number of barriers will oppose your life path. If you study well the networks in which the money flows you will quickly realize that nothing is due to chance. And that many groups will prevent you from participating too actively in societal life, this among other reasons because you are not part of the same religion, people, as them. Perhaps you will even slap yourself in front of the montages of certain groups to keep your hand on monetary power. It's all about networks and unfailing commitment through what we have always called: the oath. With us it is about the "oath of light" (you will find traces of it in the writings that our ancestors left us). During this ceremony, the one where the one who enters the circle promises all obedience to the divine powers (and not to humans), he promises to help his own against all odds, to always honor his word equitably in contracts concluded with them. members of his group. For us, Gallic Druidism brings together all those who have taken an oath to help each other. Inside this group you are going to have to comply with the requirements of the greatest honesty, outside this group we do not want to know who to dishonor you, it is up to you and justice if there is one. . If you abuse the trust of the people in the circle of Druidism, it will quickly become known and the party will be over. Definitely. Then you will have to identify the networks that allow you to exchange, according to your possibilities, having a direct relationship with your environment. For the druids, the bards and vates, it is of course free participations which will be requested, a little money to set up ceremonies, some services to the worship, the reimbursement of expenses. That is logical and normal, if as a druid you give away all that you have as time and as material, you will not eat your hunger, your services will suffer and in addition you will not be respected. . Then and as you know, there is the production of written works (and yes we have evolved), poetic texts, prayers and other "esoteric" matters. Bardic music, theatrical creation, all shows with us have close links with religion-philosophy, if the mind gives itself, work is normally paid for. Medicine was a great source of income for the Druids. The manufacture of saies, symbols, pendants and other sticks of justice should not strain your budget, if we know one thing is that to get a little rich, you should never spend money or to make it run in your group, if in addition you gain some good for you! If one day someone opposes you the fact that the Entente is prohibited when it comes to money, answer him that indeed your brothers in thought never give it for nothing and that it is honesty that reigns in our exchanges.
Je cherche un éditeur livre pour le contenu du site.
Je vous demanderai de faire très attention a un site nommé "morpheus". Dès le moment où il affirme qu'une druidesse aurait appris à Pythagore la fin des gaulois faisant référence aux hyperboreens, c'est déjà 😱, une manipulation mensongère. Il cherche de l'argent partout.
Je vous rappelle que le druidisme c'est gratuit, quand il faut payer obligatoirement pour du contenu (débile) c'est sectaire.
Deux nouveaux sites vont bientôt entrer dans la lumière et va peut-être disparaître, le reste des informations importantes sur le druidisme antique seront dispensées physiquement. Le combat va prendre une autre tournure.
Il s'agira d'un site pour réécrire l'idéologie ancienne et les textes institutifs de la nation gauloise modernisée, puis un autre, de type militaire nommé "Soldurio".
Pas de politique d'extrême droite où d'extrêmisme tout court,
Pas de misogynie et de traditions monothéistes,
Pas de culs bénis où de Grenouilles de bénitier 🐸,
Absolument aucuns liens avec le judaïsme,
Pas de franc-maçonnerie (GORSEDD, cicdecc, inconnus chez nous),
Pas d'aryens où d'odinisme runique,
C'est un site uniquement gaulois, les autres sont des menteurs et des gourous mangeurs de foin à la petite semaine.
Le site est gratuit.
De nombreuses fouilles archéologiques prouvent les installations successives sur certains sites, depuis le néolithique moyen jusqu'à l'âge de fer. Confirmant en fait qu'il existe un lien civilisationnel complet entre les hommes ayant existé il y a 5000 ans et nos ancêtres gaulois.
Cela ne s'invente pas, le néolithique moyen correspond à l'installation des mégalithes et dolmens.
Nb: on raconte que le druide Diviciacos sacrifia deux taureaux blancs liés par les cornes. C'est le symbolisme exacte de la Torc enterrée dans le fossé extérieur de Stonehenge. Elle fait plusieurs dizaines de mètres et est composée de deux têtes d'aurochs reliés par une bande composée de bois de cerfs entremêlés, comme pour symboliser une corde.
Surtout, si vous croyez aux forces du mal, que vous priez sur des autels sanglants et que vous pensez à faire des actes sacrificiels......allez voir ailleurs.
Le druidisme n'est pas fait pour les obscurantistes religieux.
Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site sont là pour servir de bases d'études à ceux qui désirent se retrouver pour un druidisme bien gaulois.
Enregistrez les pages de ce site permettra de les protéger contre l'obscurantisme et l'oubli.
Ce que je fait ici a tout a voir avec l'art, l'histoire et un fort engagement écolo-futuriste.
Je ne suis ni un gourou, ni un messie et n'appartient à aucune secte.
Je retrace et je réinvente la spiritualité naturelle des druides antiques afin de la redonner à un monde qui en a fort besoin aujourd'hui. C'est un travail d'artiste qui raconte une histoire,
notre histoire.
C'est un mélange de fiction et de réalité, de la reconstruction, une oeuvre devant évoluer pour s'affirmer au mieux de ses possibilités.
Le druidisme gaulois n'appartient qu'aux druidisants gaulois de tous horizons et seulement à ceux là.
Si vous désirez utiliser ces informations pour vos propres cercles je vous demande ceci: Pas de politique, vos discours doivent se référer au druidisme gaulois et bien sùr vous n'avez pas le droit d'échanger mon travail contre de l'argent.