Druidess, goddess and woman. Gaulish druidess. Gallic druid. They were called druidesses, bandroï, baans or gana. They were the mothers of the tribe. _____________________ If you give your spirituality to politics, you will lose your soul and your personal journey will no longer belong to you. I strongly advise against any politicizing involvement. _____________________ The ancient druidic cult had given them an important place through the cult of Mattres (where Matres) The first Matter represents the past, she is covered with a lunar headdress, the second represents the present and her headdress is visible as one can see the present, the third represents the future and she is also covered with a lunar headdress, because the future is not yet visible. The symbolism of the past, present, future may have had a feminine value among the old tribes. We were thinking in terms of history and matrix route: the past, the present and the future. The mother, the wife and the daughter, where the two daughters. * Nb: small precision in passing, the Gallic drawings evoking the tripartite cult can be read from right to left, in the same direction as the griffins of Gundestrup. Another note: the rising gibbous moon had been compared with a bird, perhaps Catu-bodua, the night crow. * Through the cult of the eternity of the soul, the druid woman still represents a trilogy, mortuary this one. It was women who took care of the dead during Antiquity. The first evokes the past consummated, the second represents rest and remembrance of the dead, the third symbolizes rebirth and preparation for the next life of the deceased. For this mortuary cult, the eagle of the black moon is an emblem. They fought against evil forces and witches. These are the ones you call today: "the black virgins". In some savage civilizations the elderly are sidelined. Among the Gauls, the Bandroï woman was responsible for life and death, it is these women who took care of the elderly and their care until the old passed into the interworld. Today, these druidesses mingle with men through a common cult whereas this was not the case in antiquity. They have freed themselves from their past roles. Many are active and are initiated, others have self-druidized and often seek a new dogma. In any case, the cult of the baans is based on the lunar phases, astrology, the cult of Ana, that of the waters which give life. Most modern druidesses are moderate feminists and seek their place with equal male potential. The Mattres and especially their definition of mistresses on the world of the dead are precisely cultic emanations which are egalitarian in parallel with the kernunos-Lugus-Donn trio. According to the majority of Druids, kernunos is the male solar principle, the sun. Lugus is his son who represents the light of day. Donn is his second son, closer to Nemetona his mother, he represents the darkness of what is not physical, the world of thoughts. To this must be added the feminine principle, where Nemetunia is the great mother goddess of the night and the celestial oceans, Étunia the full moon is her daughter who represents the reflection of light in the night, the second daughter who is undoubtedly Morgana, represents the black moon, or total darkness, and may be physical death. NB: Will the study of the Greek dryads tell us more about the ancient female Druidic cults? 7 sulévias. The mythical Is is the city of women, the term designates the entirety of a female life from birth to death, it designates life in general. Is who is also Ivis is much better known in France under the first name of "Viviane", where "Anne" the patron saint of women magicians. This enchantress gave her name to cities like "Veuvre" or "Vouvray" and is known in the form of a myth where beauty, love and death mingle, that of the wyvern. The story of men who meet the femme fatale that no one can resist. A story transcribed in a fantastic form, it has spanned the millennia. What brings me to say that Viviane is one of the seven Sulévias is that roads lead to her cities, these are the hundred paths of life among the Gallic. And that would also mean that we could find the other 6 sulévias by comparing the approximate names of towns and villages in France. The six wonderful sides of female magic, we have Ivis, life in general, we have Viviana, the femme fatale, the other six could be: the gentle woman (Épona?), the mother woman, the warrior woman (Andartae?), the complicated woman, the child woman ????? It is necessary to look in this direction, I am sure that these are the ways of the seven sulévias. What will make it easier for usthings is that these 6 mythical women gave their names to different places grouped together in the geography of Gaul. Viviane, veuvre, vouvray on one side, another elsewhere ... until the sixth route of the phantasmagoria of female magic. But let's think about it, the woman is on the road, magic of the waters ..... their names may correspond to rivers? I studied the prefixes of the name of the rivers and precisely there are 7 of them that keep coming back. First letters: A..B..D..L..O..T..V The V stands for Viviane. The A is most often extended into "Argan" (Aragania? The Rhône?) The B is most often extended in "Bri" (Brigania) The D is most often prolonged in "Dou" (?, The Doubs) The L is most often extended in "Liden", "luten", (Litania?.?) The O is most often extended in "Orn" (Orania? The Garonne?) The T is most often extended in "Tauïr" (Tarnia? The Tarn?) If I am not mistaken, it must correspond to 7 major characters of the Gallic rivers and rivers, an idea to be explored. I take the list of names of people found in the inscriptions and I find phonetically most often on Arda where Artila: (Andarta) -The warrior woman Bergusia: (Brigania, Brigitte) -The caregiver Diuina: (Dauina, Diane) -The huntress woman Lauena: (Lana, Litania) -The very feminine lightness Orcia: (Orgesa) -The woman of earthly values Tauïrona: (Thirona, Tania) -The woman who commands When we know them well we tell ourselves that it is not wrong. Now let's look for the character of each other's animality. Andarta, Artila refers to the bear. Viviane, we know that she has a close relationship with the Wyvern, the female snake, the reptile. Look at a female snake in the eyes immobilized. Lauena the light must be a bird, where the vixen. Brigitte is a protective guardian, a shell can be, a beaver or a wolf, we do not do better in terms of protection. Orgesa, orcia, argentia, the woman who likes to shine, a fish, it is also called "the silver river". Tauïrona, must have a relation with the thunder and the clouds, the clouds of migratory birds. Diuina, the divine ..... the doe. The method is empirical, I would say the results are close to the truth. The sulévias are the goddesses-queens of the vital paths, we know Viviane, Diana and Brigania like fairies, the last 4 must be fairies too. Nb: Diuina is certainly the goddess who gave her name to the Ardennes. Gallic currency, the moon with its resplendent hair possesses the menman-iacos of scholars. She has two horses, each of whose hooves correspond to the porticoes of a well-known and somewhat broken old stone circle, Stonehenge. It leaves behind the serpent of primary instincts, a ribbon of leaves like a liana shows its great number of cycles. It sports the symbol of women. Gallic currency, the moon with its resplendent hair possesses the menman-iacos of scholars. She has two horses, each of whose hooves correspond to the porticoes of a well-known and somewhat broken old stone circle, Stonehenge. It leaves behind the serpent of primary instincts, a ribbon of leaves like a liana shows its great number of cycles. It sports the symbol of women. Nb3: according to the imagery of the Danish cauldron, the female time wheel and linked to the moon would be based on a calculation of 6 units per cycle, which corresponds to the "chandeliers" of five years. The styling of the cauldron is Gallic like the Coligny calendar (30 years). Mori. Milk thistle presents designs like those of sunlight on the surface of water. Milk thistle presents designs like those of sunlight on the surface of water. It enlightened souls, opened minds, procured appeasement and nourished the manna of time, knowledge. It had been likened to the oceans of divine knowledge precisely, and I think that it is also that which is called the nemetone. Mori was the untouchable virgin represented on the vase of Vix, she is the place towards which the spirits of learned pleasure fly. Still a mistress of the enchanting arts, the most talented. The hydra of obscurantism and corruption could never touch her and she remains intact, virgin forever. Nb: quite correct, Mori is what we call "the spiritual woman", the lunation which enlightens the human in his personal darkness, that is to say that if it influences the tide (and yes), it gives the pleasures of the thoughtful movement, what others call the reward of the mind, its enjoyment, healthy food, magnificent and miraculous, which does not appear (normally) be a physical aspect, which appears when scholars retire to the Albios, it is their own place of pleasure. She drives the Hydris crazy because she ownsa very great treasure that the latter covet. Nb: here you have the solution to eradicate all serious sexual deviance caused by religion. Rape, veils, pedophilia, circumcision ... etc. Think about it and you can undo all those spells there ... saving thousands of kids in the process. Do, it is the notion of Bliss of the body-carnal, jouissance, and of the virgin-pure, coveted spirit (elevation) that when they are linked, cause madness. To be eliminated from human thought therefore, and to do this, you will have to write other stories, sacred texts, to specify the functioning of spiritual elevation. Remember this: "The obscurantists take their pleasures only through" the spiritual woman "," the untouchable virgin ", in the physical world to which they nevertheless belong, terrestrial, it is for this reason that they attack the physical bodies by debasing them and having the feeling of doing well and raising themselves, they have the stupid impression that it is holy ".. Crazy! I let the girls do it, I think they have some old accounts to settle with the obscurantists .... ouillouillouilllle. Use the Gallic names ladies. NB: women are the guardians of destiny. See page "Gallic mythology 2". Lessons From Experience. The lessons of female worship. The druidesses had made profession of their femininity and the lessons given in the clearings had to relate to the philosophy of course in addition to the religious methods of worship. Not being very gifted on this side, I would only state here the topics for discussion and further development within the groups. -We know that there was a method of numerology. -These women were responsible in the tribal groups and so they probably had to stick to an ascetic attitude morally speaking. -The great feminine power is that of provoking love, I would not say that there was a manual on the subject but that it had to be an integral part of female education. The bright and dark charm of women. - These discussion groups must have focused on: the memory of old loves (because it is the oldest who necessarily gave their experience), its resurgences, the good times and the bad times (the experience always), a list of feminine charms and masculine charms, the insanity provoked by sentiment, its mercy also, gentleness and patience, spite, anger, passion, great loves. -The miracle that raises these moods, which is trying. -the purity of feeling, non-negotiable, sharing prohibited. - Intoxication, loss of understanding, disappointments and harassment, -The true great love, the loss of this one. The love sickness, the lack of it. The loss of the attraction for life. - The last years, old age, the attraction that is gone, Rejection, regrets, eternal loves too. -The grief, its management, the separation. - Seduction, jealousy. Etc., etc...
Je cherche un éditeur livre pour le contenu du site.
Je vous demanderai de faire très attention a un site nommé "morpheus". Dès le moment où il affirme qu'une druidesse aurait appris à Pythagore la fin des gaulois faisant référence aux hyperboreens, c'est déjà 😱, une manipulation mensongère. Il cherche de l'argent partout.
Je vous rappelle que le druidisme c'est gratuit, quand il faut payer obligatoirement pour du contenu (débile) c'est sectaire.
Deux nouveaux sites vont bientôt entrer dans la lumière et druidegaulois.net va peut-être disparaître, le reste des informations importantes sur le druidisme antique seront dispensées physiquement. Le combat va prendre une autre tournure.
Il s'agira d'un site pour réécrire l'idéologie ancienne et les textes institutifs de la nation gauloise modernisée, puis un autre, de type militaire nommé "Soldurio".
Pas de politique d'extrême droite où d'extrêmisme tout court,
Pas de misogynie et de traditions monothéistes,
Pas de culs bénis où de Grenouilles de bénitier 🐸,
Absolument aucuns liens avec le judaïsme,
Pas de franc-maçonnerie (GORSEDD, cicdecc, inconnus chez nous),
Pas d'aryens où d'odinisme runique,
C'est un site uniquement gaulois, les autres sont des menteurs et des gourous mangeurs de foin à la petite semaine.
Le site est gratuit.
De nombreuses fouilles archéologiques prouvent les installations successives sur certains sites, depuis le néolithique moyen jusqu'à l'âge de fer. Confirmant en fait qu'il existe un lien civilisationnel complet entre les hommes ayant existé il y a 5000 ans et nos ancêtres gaulois.
Cela ne s'invente pas, le néolithique moyen correspond à l'installation des mégalithes et dolmens.
Nb: on raconte que le druide Diviciacos sacrifia deux taureaux blancs liés par les cornes. C'est le symbolisme exacte de la Torc enterrée dans le fossé extérieur de Stonehenge. Elle fait plusieurs dizaines de mètres et est composée de deux têtes d'aurochs reliés par une bande composée de bois de cerfs entremêlés, comme pour symboliser une corde.
Surtout, si vous croyez aux forces du mal, que vous priez sur des autels sanglants et que vous pensez à faire des actes sacrificiels......allez voir ailleurs.
Le druidisme n'est pas fait pour les obscurantistes religieux.
Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site sont là pour servir de bases d'études à ceux qui désirent se retrouver pour un druidisme bien gaulois.
Enregistrez les pages de ce site permettra de les protéger contre l'obscurantisme et l'oubli.
Ce que je fait ici a tout a voir avec l'art, l'histoire et un fort engagement écolo-futuriste.
Je ne suis ni un gourou, ni un messie et n'appartient à aucune secte.
Je retrace et je réinvente la spiritualité naturelle des druides antiques afin de la redonner à un monde qui en a fort besoin aujourd'hui. C'est un travail d'artiste qui raconte une histoire,
notre histoire.
C'est un mélange de fiction et de réalité, de la reconstruction, une oeuvre devant évoluer pour s'affirmer au mieux de ses possibilités.
Le druidisme gaulois n'appartient qu'aux druidisants gaulois de tous horizons et seulement à ceux là.
Si vous désirez utiliser ces informations pour vos propres cercles je vous demande ceci: Pas de politique, vos discours doivent se référer au druidisme gaulois et bien sùr vous n'avez pas le droit d'échanger mon travail contre de l'argent.