Gaulish cosmogony.-Gallic cosmology. For the ancient druids naturalists the earth was an ark of life in the celestial oceans, the question of knowing to whom to entrust it had necessarily arisen. Water has always been the symbol of this old cult. For the ancient druids naturalists the earth was an ark of life in the celestial oceans, the question of knowing to whom to entrust it had necessarily arisen. Water has always been the symbol of this old cult. At that time it was believed that the earth was the center of the world and in Gallic cosmogony this is evident. With my 2021 results, I now know that Kernunos was an earthly god, that is to say the center of the cosmological world at the time, that is a given. The sun was only one of the stars that crossed the celestial waters, secondary and from what I know now, it was Ogmios who represented it. There is mention of an old sun in the texts, which would mean that there is a young one, in the morning? Bélenos in this case, the leader Aries, the doctor who warms the bodies. Its light was embodied by Lugus. The luminous period, 6 months, belongs to Lugus. Ogmios was the god of the last season of the year (from December 21 to March 21 with us the year starts on March 21). Bélenos was the god of the first season of the year (there I think we're perfect). The female Moon also had these two particularities, the star itself was represented by Epona logically. And its light undoubtedly by that which one calls Edunia, Étunia with many arts (Greek Athena). The sun is represented with its chariot of time on the coins. The light leading a centaur. The Moon was represented as a mare that roamed the heavens, mounted and directed by the light (note, it is the light that is on the moon). The moon shield is made up of four bushels, and on time chariot imagery, this shield is transformed into a wheel. This means that the solar charioteer travels the sky thanks to the lunar wheel, it is the functioning of the zodiac even today. It seems that this conductor where the centaur in front is Marcos, according to his ideological position in the Gallic language. If Marcos is the centaur with a human head, then he must also be the god of three faces. There is a direct link with Lugus, the light that sits on the sun chariot. And in the latter case, the charioteer, the conductor, would be Lugus. The light that leads the centaur. A myth a little apart from the others. 100%. We know of a statuary of a female deity carrying two twins. The moonlight is doubled, nocturnal and diurnal, except maybe two binoculars. The group of three Maternities? Mattres? On the cauldron of Gundestrup the group consists of a great mother deity and two smaller ones, her daughters? There I think I put my finger on something important. . This fully corresponds to the light uses that allow the Gallic mythology to be built. The planets also have their divine counterpart, we know that Mars is Taranis for example. Belenos was associated with the Aries-headed serpent. Belenos was associated with the Aries-headed serpent. The three worlds. Gavrinis, the world of water between earth and sky. (World below). Gavrinis, the world of water between earth and sky. (World below). Gallic cosmology is defined as a gem symbolizing a spiritual tree of time. (Rather a crossing which corresponds to the lines of cleavages of the philosopher's prism). This stone deploys its cleavages through a clear philosophy that demonstrates the functioning of the common spirit. The three main divine planes are 1: the common spirit of kernunos; 2: the creativity of Lugus; 3: the memory of Donn's (Donnât, Odin). The female part also has these three principles in 3 goddesses. * The link between men and gods is that of the world of water, the life they bring and the luminous colors they make. For men, there is 1 world divided into three parts, The sky and the Top stars, the earth and the terrestrial trees is the Bitu, and the third is the world below - Anderos. Said world above, Albios, world below Anderos, waters (Aidubno) and the terrestrial world (Bitu), inhabited. 3 parts of the druidic activity. The waters which are considered to be the world of human thought, the link between the earthly physical place and the divine sky. (The Gallic cult was forged around the ocean coasts, the link with the divinity of vital water is immense). Gallic thought was subject to three plans. During a harvest work, for example, we harvested a third for the sky gods (reserves), a third for the engineers who organize (the druidic state) the cultures, the messengers of water, a third for the men who work the land (the people). * 4 knights. These are equites, the 1st rider is celui of the birth of the stars, the second rider is that of the youth of the stars, the 3rd rider is that of maturity, the 4th and last rider is that of the tramont, of the death of the stars. These four serve astrology and the destiny of men. In truth, the four faces represent only one and the same divinity in my opinion: Bélénos. It is the zodiacal crossroads. We know that one of these horses is called Rudiobos, and that the zodiac centaurs are also part of this group. These four riders never tread the land of humans, they are truly considered and designated to be above all human baseness, for a question of divine nobility. Closer to us, the legend of the 4 Eymon brothers in Brittany is closely linked to this ancestral Gallic myth. These four brothers are also present on the cauldron of Gundestrup, they are the four parts of Bélénos in my opinion. The representative gods. Each divinity has a physical principle or a psychic, animal, human or divine principle, like Teutates, the boar or Kernunos for example. Lug the luminous is also Belenos the inner sun of the human body, and Etunia the light of the moon is undoubtedly Epona on earth. The Gauls believed that we all had a human side and a divine side. Mythology is divided into three main worlds, the one above, Albios, the one in the middle, Bitu, the one below, Aidubno. In addition, there are the Anderos, a sort of purely earthly passionate hell. The cycle is represented in light (day) and in darkness (night). I was able to define another world which explains how Gallic mythology works. It is an abstract world, the best qualification being that of an inner world. Inside the prismatic waters, we find the three masters and the three fathers? Apparently the name of this place would be Alixion. Gallic cosmology. 1+ (2x7) = 15; 15x1.6 = 24. 15 = 3x5; 24 = 3x8; it looks like mistletoe. Gallic cosmology. 1+ (2x7) = 15; 15x1.6 = 24. 15 = 3x5; 24 = 3x8; it looks like mistletoe. Above, the possible plan of the Gallic cosmogony. It is divided into two parts called feminine and masculine as well as philosophical and religious. (Nb: the pillar of the Nautes also shows 14 figures if I remember correctly) . Druidic prism Druidic prism Here is a quick diagram of how the prism works. (And no, it's not a road sign) Organization of a clearing. Nb4: according to my latest research, the menhirs are horns of Kernunos, the term -kern- did not designate the stone circle, it designated each of the standing stones.
Je cherche un éditeur livre pour le contenu du site.
Je vous demanderai de faire très attention a un site nommé "morpheus". Dès le moment où il affirme qu'une druidesse aurait appris à Pythagore la fin des gaulois faisant référence aux hyperboreens, c'est déjà 😱, une manipulation mensongère. Il cherche de l'argent partout.
Deux nouveaux sites vont bientôt entrer dans la lumière et va peut-être disparaître, le reste des informations importantes sur le druidisme antique seront dispensées physiquement. Le combat va prendre une autre tournure.
Il s'agira d'un site pour réécrire l'idéologie ancienne et les textes institutifs de la nation gauloise modernisée, puis un autre, de type militaire nommé "Soldurio".
Pas de politique d'extrême droite où d'extrêmisme tout court,
Pas de misogynie et de traditions monothéistes,
Pas de culs bénis où de Grenouilles de bénitier 🐸,
Absolument aucuns liens avec le judaïsme,
Pas de franc-maçonnerie (GORSEDD, cicdecc, inconnus chez nous),
Pas d'aryens où d'odinisme runique,
C'est un site uniquement gaulois, les autres sont des menteurs et des gourous mangeurs de foin à la petite semaine.
Le site est gratuit.
De nombreuses fouilles archéologiques prouvent les installations successives sur certains sites, depuis le néolithique moyen jusqu'à l'âge de fer. Confirmant en fait qu'il existe un lien civilisationnel complet entre les hommes ayant existé il y a 5000 ans et nos ancêtres gaulois.
Cela ne s'invente pas, le néolithique moyen correspond à l'installation des mégalithes et dolmens.
Nb: on raconte que le druide Diviciacos sacrifia deux taureaux blancs liés par les cornes. C'est le symbolisme exacte de la Torc enterrée dans le fossé extérieur de Stonehenge. Elle fait plusieurs dizaines de mètres et est composée de deux têtes d'aurochs reliés par une bande composée de bois de cerfs entremêlés, comme pour symboliser une corde.
Surtout, si vous croyez aux forces du mal, que vous priez sur des autels sanglants et que vous pensez à faire des actes sacrificiels......allez voir ailleurs.
Le druidisme n'est pas fait pour les obscurantistes religieux.
Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site sont là pour servir de bases d'études à ceux qui désirent se retrouver pour un druidisme bien gaulois.
Enregistrez les pages de ce site permettra de les protéger contre l'obscurantisme et l'oubli.
Ce que je fait ici a tout a voir avec l'art, l'histoire et un fort engagement écolo-futuriste.
Je ne suis ni un gourou, ni un messie et n'appartient à aucune secte.
Je retrace et je réinvente la spiritualité naturelle des druides antiques afin de la redonner à un monde qui en a fort besoin aujourd'hui. C'est un travail d'artiste qui raconte une histoire,
notre histoire.
C'est un mélange de fiction et de réalité, de la reconstruction, une oeuvre devant évoluer pour s'affirmer au mieux de ses possibilités.
Le druidisme gaulois n'appartient qu'aux druidisants gaulois de tous horizons et seulement à ceux là.
Si vous désirez utiliser ces informations pour vos propres cercles je vous demande ceci: Pas de politique, vos discours doivent se référer au druidisme gaulois et bien sùr vous n'avez pas le droit d'échanger mon travail contre de l'argent.