Druid, bardos and Uatis. Most Gallic Druidic ceremonies are performed at night by moonlight in the glades. The Druids oversee the workings of society in general as well as the religious and philosophical aspect of meetings. Kernunos is the creation god of the ramifications of the spirit, animal and temporal psyche. The demonstration of ideas that evolve over time which alone can do and imagine everything. The druid is its moral embodiment, it is the Kernunos of each group (chronos). universal shaft The world is made up of creative energy, the translation of the common thought of the deepest minds. Modern Druidizers call it -Awen-, in antiquity the germ was -Anauos- apparently. Everything around us is time energy forged by the arts of thought. We still find a simpler etymology of -druid- in certain places: Druas, Ruis and Ruas. It is commonly accepted that Druocht was a generalized term. The amadryads are the nymphs of the oak tree and the dryads the nymphs of the ash tree, for Greek mythology related to Gallic mythology. Dryads ..... Druids, the creators of eternity whose tree is the oak in central Gaul and the Ash further north. Druids are artistic magi who derive their powers from the muses of the inspiring waters. It is almost certain that virtually all Druidic knowledge has been lost over the past two thousand years. Little remains of the folklore that really comes from antiquity. However, there is still a clearing or two where knowledge has been passed on for at least two thousand years. The secret of the transmission of knowledge resided in the fact that the druids expressed themselves in images at the assemblies, it was forbidden to give their wisdom directly (very famous for their lyrical poems), this so that only the most intelligent students, the more able understand. This is the explanation of the mythical poetic verve that has come down to us over the centuries. Writing was forbidden for worship. To protect certain secrets and for religious reasons. References to completely natural osmosis and the philosophical world are systematic. The class of ruis is those of ancient magi, sages, doctors and teaching artists but can also belong to the military caste (very different from the others) and even to that of kings. They meet in the year in rural assembly to exchange their acquired knowledge and also to compete through the various arts, and to elect the great druid (Archidruid) normally the latter is elected for life. It is the best of artists, doctors and luminous sages who in Gaul have the decision-making power over the whole class of mages. Their word is the power which within the tribe is that which even a king should respect. Before becoming a Druid, there were three general passages in the acquisition of knowledge: The Bards are already magicians of the soul, the Uatis are clearly religious officiants, the druids being in the end real scholars who have learned to understand the world from a philosophical point of view. The Sepani are children who learn through tales and initiation trials. The Uates, are two in number who help the druid today, but they were up to four in Antiquity. They dress in black and white. These are the bards and doctors, various artists who become masters of their particular arts before becoming druids. These Uatis are already very advanced spirits, they participate and help in ceremonies, bring people together. They are still learning to finally become masters in the philosophy of the druios. They are ... apprentice mages. * In the past our druids were pursued by those who could not overcome the spirit of the saplings and through them, the common strength, of the spirit of a people. Our scholars were secret figures, distinguished artists and chosen for their sciences of the mind and the body. I found in almost lost valleys, at the end of barely passable paths, some of their rites and facts that are still preserved. The rocks of the past are still there that protect the future. Certain words of the old language too, many Gallic words are indeed still preserved in the local patois, this until the middle of the Italian Alps, cradle of the Ligurian civilization, tribe very similar to the Gauls. There is one, which still survives in various places, and that is verbal jousting. In the streets of villages, the guardians of the traditions, measure and fight each other dressed in colorful clothes expressing the vigor of their soul, with the strength of the best words of their languages (I have found this usage in various countries formerly Celto- sapling); Some carry the sword. The verve of their language must demonstrater publicly live up to the height of scholarship and control the strongest ideas through this game in which at least two characters clash. Like two roosters who measure and challenge each other, attack, dodge and slice the part of the most beautiful truth. Today it is the graceful part that is given to folklore but I think that at the time, the most serious subjects were decided in this way, it was the law of the most learned and the most intelligent (not that of the most liar like today) thus bodily injuries were avoided thanks to the absence of real physical blows, this is the part of Ogmios eloquent. The struggle of scholars. Part of the culture that preserved peace. The Druids were the initiators of these spirit fighters then. It was part of the life lessons. For medicine, herbalism was of course the most important achievement, the use of surgery was also very developed. Today Druidism brings together several currents of thought, more or less conservative and more or less obscurantist, having met some one of them, I can say that they are colorful characters, all very intelligent who advocate a thing common to all currents, Druidism is a science of the future focused on the osmotic exchange with the world of nature where it is respect that drives the act before any other consideration, evolving in a philosophy clearly futuristic and creative. There were also false combinations from monotheism. All the same, we must be very careful with a certain number of people who have given themselves the function of druid in a totally unjustified way and who currently claim to be the so-called direct heirs of our former druios, these practice a cult that sometimes flouts completely. exchange and osmosis with their natural environment. It is always profit that leads them, they cross our precepts with other religions when it suits them. (Much religion still bears traces of ancient Druidism, but no longer has anything to do with it). For fun: The viking, the masonkisks, the Vedikeux and so on. Looks like diseases. Being a shaman is not enough to take the title of druid (even if Uatism is indeed close to shamanism), it is an apprenticeship that lasts for years, whoever takes this path can in no way go back because it is the investment of a lifetime. The whole range of achievements in medicine, philosophy, study of beliefs, mastery of the arts ... etc ... etc ... is quite huge and some say that it takes an average of twenty years of study to become a druid. True druids in my opinion are easily recognized by the fact that they physically live with their "tribal" group in a purely natural environment. There are still a few. They are the recipients of all the knowledge affiliated with the master of all arts, Lug, and his brother master of fates, Donotarvos. Followers of kernunnos. Miraculous healers Reference is made to the eternity of the soul and miraculous healings, reincarnations in all Druidic currents and some Cartesian inexplicable things have happened in our countryside where the Druids reside, where they save people from evil. spells or incurable diseases, it seems that they themselves have to suffer an old curse. They take evil upon themselves when they take it away from others. Many have paid with their lives for the healthy path they have provided to their patients. Miraculous healers but the martyrs of a fight against evil. If one day you have to deal with one of them to heal you, pay for the good because he risks his life with each "sanitation" operation. They study the vital energies and the balance of the universes for this. A representation, carved in stone, of an ancient druid has come down to us, recognizable by his long-handled billhook, he wears a tunic tight at the waist by what appears to be a large stylized leather belt and, surprise, a bow . It is indeed the osmosis with nature that is carved in this stone. No reference to any city aspect. Of all the religions of the world, only one comes directly from Gallic Druidism: Christianity. And yet almost all the great ancient religions still bear the Druidic symbols of yesterday. All the information which is described in the pages of this site will allow those who want it to correctly interpret the book called "revelations". This book largely uses the satirical style dear to the ancient druids, by saturation in exaggeration, the texts prevent the neophyte from understanding the ideas hidden within. He then confines himself to believing without understanding, captivated by the beauty of the work. It is by this technique that the candidates were filteredto master's degree. One became a druid by merit and recognition of others, not necessarily by learning and appointing a rank (or by using a little stroke of the "piston"). The sum of what was learned did not allow cheating. Even today, our druios come to this level not because they were brought there by others, but because their individual path, their perseverance, led them there alone. Individual merit, just individual merit and a path well inspired by general opinion. What does not clear the fact of having to be interested in all the matters in which it is possible to drink. 14. Magical Animals Every Gallic has a totem animal relative to his character and his activity. The animals serve as references through the colorful language of the tales. It is probable that the Gauls had a seasonal calendar corresponding by cycle to animals, just like the Greeks a zodiac. Each one belongs to a particular universe of understanding and philosophical reflection. The bull : The will of the noble bull The bull sacrifices had a general cultural dimension in all the territories, it is the representation of the darkness of the soul but above all of the religious secret and the will of the one who can go too far, The heaviness and the stupidity, when it is not mastered, it takes those who follow its path in an intractable, dark and destructive trajectory if it is not interior, spiritual. This bull was noble among our ancestors, it embodied memory. Yet the myth of Esus confirms that the bull is not necessarily a destroyer but can also be the one who lends his immense strength to construction as well as the one who decided the fate of men and all that must be remembered, it is the animal which presides over the end and the beginning of every cycle. Cranes: They represent the journey and dates of migrations which announce climate change, more generally the weather, very useful for the Gauls. They are represented by three with the bull, or alone with three eggs. Symbol of the three heads of history They can be associated with the three Mattres, three muses who know the right directions. One for the animal past, one for the human present was the most important and a third for the future in preparation. The time of each action among the Gauls is always divided into three parts, the central part being preponderant, it is the present. Horse It is the vector of action, it designates the ability to move forward, it is attached to the image of Gallic horse men, centaurs and king-gods, but also to the image of Epona, the riding goddess who carries the future life. The Unicorn of legends, nurturer of the tribes. It is represented winged, with an eagle, a seahorse, the serpent, three-headed or with a human head, with snake eggs, a sword, signs and names of powerful characters, always with precise points that define its outlines on currencies. Maybe constellations. It is the center of all the royal and equitable powers of the time (action and nobility) and representative of the links of the journey, history and uniqueness of the Gallic tribes. The power of kings. The hippocampus: It is the flying horse, parallel between the child under construction in the womb of the mother. So it is the divine sign of the one who finds the road of its construction where the future chosen one, affiliated with the cult of the waters, is the symbol of sailors and travelers. There was a clear connection with the celestial waters, this seahorse representing one or the stars. Robin: Symbol of Uates musicians in particular, it is one of the Druidic secrets, a song that calms souls and announces spring. The wolf: It is the sign of the guardian tribes, it is the border guard. The growling wolf is the animal of Tanaris, the Gauls who lived in harmony with nature had undoubtedly tamed wolf cubs to serve as their dogs. Gallic women were compared to wolves who protect their young, the wolf was undoubtedly the one who owns the land, the shelter. The image of the defensive mother in a matriarchal village society. (One could say as a joke that a single Gallic woman was capable of slaughtering ten Roman soldiers in the process). Crows: Catu-boduo, they were linked to relations in the sacrificial animal enclosure (human sacrifice is undoubtedly only a legend), it is often said, to argue like two crows over the end of fat ..... ..... they are therefore necrophages. But not always, they rather symbolize the heated discussions of women. As well as the sentries who alert the villagers in the event of an attack. They are the animals of nervous discussion. The wild boar: Vitality. He is the symbol of Teutates, of the divine power of the universe ofoak and balanced justice; It represents the lavishness of the descendants, (kings undoubtedly had the right to several wives), The lavishness of food, and also the force of justice, that of a bolide mad with anger which charges the enemy. It is above all the spirit of cover and defense that emerges from his study, he is a titanic animal in his physical strength and character. The snake: Wind the paths of life. It is the symbol of life which makes its way through the branches of the universal labyrinth; very important in Druidic philosophy. Some glades are passed on a talking stick twisted like a snake when speaking, this snake is the one that most symbolizes instincts. Held it represents the mastery of the body. It is the animal that comes closest to the cult of the waters. The Eagle: Feminine. Symbol of power, it is often represented in the presence of the Horse, it is a matriarchal royal symbol. And also the sign of access to heaven, the eagle is the symbol of the kingdom of the dead, it must be a female red eagle. The lion and the rooster: We believe to see on certain coins the configuration of a stylized lion, I rather believe that it is about our fighting cock, all scaled in shape with its feather collar. The lion is the sacred symbol of the birth of life. But the two animals have things in common. The deer: It is the divine animal of Kernunnos and Lugus (which also carries the branches, and yes according to the myths they have in common the cycles, the time), the slab, the presence, the branched horns which prefigure the tree- universe. He is therefore the god of woods and Druidic glades, but also of cities. The holder of knowledge and civilization. Emblem of descent and love, which belongs to the shamanic world of the woods, imagery of the universality of forests. This deer that we know white here, holds the powers of light. There are still many animals that were affiliated with the World of Gallic Mythology, all of which have a descriptive role of a particular universe of understanding in an almost post-shamanic cultural system but where science was important. 12. Gallic signs, writings and symbols THERE ARE MANY OF THEM IN ADDITION TO THE SYMBOLIC SIGNS AND ENGRAVED DRAWINGS. A single symbol is recurrently present in all ancient European civilizations: the vortex or spiral, sometimes associated with the rotating cross. It is one more temporal symbol. There are two main ones, one represents the stylized boar of Toutatis, in gold. The other, double is a succession of circles decorated with feathers, three on each side, representing the cycles of time, the three cranes (inseparable from the bull) and therefore the sign of the Druis scholars who travel, and the second the sun reunited with the moon and other feathers, symbol of Lug and Etunia, the creator of evolution, then of Nemetunia, the lunar goddess of the nemetons relative to Kernunos. A figure is holding the two sticks. This is a sign that there were at least two allied powers within the nemeton. The famous golden billhook is very close to these two sticks. One represents the search for the one who clears his clearing and the path, the power of Esus and the other the totality of the acquired knowledge, the cultural legacy attached to Lug. We must also count the weapons, shields and helmets decorated with special patterns. Writing The only Gallic texts that have come down to us are written in ancient Greek lettering, with an ogamic system in the Channel Islands, but I also found a system of glyphs on the coins. There was no actual Gallic writing, but a proliferation of important symbols. On the other hand, there was a game of divination which consisted of throwing small sticks on the water and interpreting the signs thus formed. So no writing signs but symbolically very precise shapes, which would have been formed of straight lines like those of the runic or Greek type and considered magical. The Oghams discovered in England are composed of straight lines arranged imitating trees and defining letters and numbers, do they only belong to European culture? The Gauls initiated into the arts possessed a descriptive system of many elements of understanding based on a symbolism constructed of bars also arranged, perhaps the same as their nearest neighbors. There is a form of bastard writing called Lepontic. In my opinion it was an attempt to give an unmarked writing to all saplings. Why was this hypothesis never retained from the many studies carried out on this culture ??? The obscurantists unfortunately did their job and drowned the "fish", here is the answer. There aren't many denominations that could have done this. Still todayToday, the elements of Gallic culture are kept below "the horizon". Here in France, a country of culture and research, it seems odd that Gallic antiquity and the civilizations of before are voluntarily "forgotten". The dumb ju-idiot did everything for that. 7. Tumuli, pyramids and dolmens The civilization of Gallic tumuli and dolmens do they represent pyramids containing the souls of the dead? A statuette of the mummified type was found at the sources of the Seine ……. Aman is precisely the word designating time among the Gauls, exchanges, even distant ones, were numerous. We still find people to say the opposite today, what do they have to hide? A parallel which is probable because these constructions rarely contain the bodies of our ancestors, yet they are buildings which relate to the cult of the dead or to the passage with the other world in an almost certain way. Unless there is something to do with the tunnels that open to other worlds described in many legends. The two hypotheses can complement each other. On the territory of the municipality of Labeaume in Ardèche is the largest concentration of dolmens in Europe. Outside this limestone plateau is riddled with cavities forged by flowing waters, is it still an influence of the cult of the waters where death is precisely the foreshadowing of the waters of life which pass under the earth to return? Aidubno, the world below is therefore that of spirits, the world within the world. According to what the book of lights says, our little Gauls would be the heirs of the ancient kings. Those who have to come back? The notion of reincarnation is not a separate idea in Gallic culture.
Je cherche un éditeur livre pour le contenu du site.
Je vous demanderai de faire très attention a un site nommé "morpheus". Dès le moment où il affirme qu'une druidesse aurait appris à Pythagore la fin des gaulois faisant référence aux hyperboreens, c'est déjà 😱, une manipulation mensongère. Il cherche de l'argent partout.
Deux nouveaux sites vont bientôt entrer dans la lumière et druidegaulois.net va peut-être disparaître, le reste des informations importantes sur le druidisme antique seront dispensées physiquement. Le combat va prendre une autre tournure.
Il s'agira d'un site pour réécrire l'idéologie ancienne et les textes institutifs de la nation gauloise modernisée, puis un autre, de type militaire nommé "Soldurio".
Pas de politique d'extrême droite où d'extrêmisme tout court,
Pas de misogynie et de traditions monothéistes,
Pas de culs bénis où de Grenouilles de bénitier 🐸,
Absolument aucuns liens avec le judaïsme,
Pas de franc-maçonnerie (GORSEDD, cicdecc, inconnus chez nous),
Pas d'aryens où d'odinisme runique,
C'est un site uniquement gaulois, les autres sont des menteurs et des gourous mangeurs de foin à la petite semaine.
Le site est gratuit.
De nombreuses fouilles archéologiques prouvent les installations successives sur certains sites, depuis le néolithique moyen jusqu'à l'âge de fer. Confirmant en fait qu'il existe un lien civilisationnel complet entre les hommes ayant existé il y a 5000 ans et nos ancêtres gaulois.
Cela ne s'invente pas, le néolithique moyen correspond à l'installation des mégalithes et dolmens.
Nb: on raconte que le druide Diviciacos sacrifia deux taureaux blancs liés par les cornes. C'est le symbolisme exacte de la Torc enterrée dans le fossé extérieur de Stonehenge. Elle fait plusieurs dizaines de mètres et est composée de deux têtes d'aurochs reliés par une bande composée de bois de cerfs entremêlés, comme pour symboliser une corde.
Surtout, si vous croyez aux forces du mal, que vous priez sur des autels sanglants et que vous pensez à faire des actes sacrificiels......allez voir ailleurs.
Le druidisme n'est pas fait pour les obscurantistes religieux.
Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site sont là pour servir de bases d'études à ceux qui désirent se retrouver pour un druidisme bien gaulois.
Enregistrez les pages de ce site permettra de les protéger contre l'obscurantisme et l'oubli.
Ce que je fait ici a tout a voir avec l'art, l'histoire et un fort engagement écolo-futuriste.
Je ne suis ni un gourou, ni un messie et n'appartient à aucune secte.
Je retrace et je réinvente la spiritualité naturelle des druides antiques afin de la redonner à un monde qui en a fort besoin aujourd'hui. C'est un travail d'artiste qui raconte une histoire,
notre histoire.
C'est un mélange de fiction et de réalité, de la reconstruction, une oeuvre devant évoluer pour s'affirmer au mieux de ses possibilités.
Le druidisme gaulois n'appartient qu'aux druidisants gaulois de tous horizons et seulement à ceux là.
Si vous désirez utiliser ces informations pour vos propres cercles je vous demande ceci: Pas de politique, vos discours doivent se référer au druidisme gaulois et bien sùr vous n'avez pas le droit d'échanger mon travail contre de l'argent.